Influential American Physical Therapist Gray Cook once wrote: “We are meant to grow strong and to age gracefully. Reclamation of authentic movement is the starting point.” This is also the philosophy behind the treatment used at Precision Physio, as anyone who has been to one our clinics would know. Our purpose is to have all our clients “Live Young”, to be able to move with spring through the body’s full ranges of movement. This is not possible without a foundation of mobility and control of movement, and this is where Movement Masters comes in. In May 2014 the first Movement Masters squad began at St Marys, a move inspired by J-Squad – a program which had been created at Concord, by Jason Oei. The aim of the class is to build on the foundations of Mobility (to Move More) developed by physios in the first tier of Precision’s Performance Pyramid, and then go on to develop the middle tier – where the focus is on Movement Control (to Move Right). From here, clients can move on to the top tier of the pyramid. The top tier is called the Performance tier, and this is where the magic happens. The Performance tier is where people learn to Live Young, and where top athletes are built.
The initial 12 week course was composed of a mix of people from a variety of backgrounds, including serious CrossFitters mixed with weekend warriors. However, one thing the four initial squad members had in common was that they knew how to work their butts off. I am proud of the atmosphere we had in the squad each week; everyone having fun while working with dedication and consistency each week. Fast forward 3-months and three of the original squad members graduated to the Level 2 Movement Masters Squad. The initial Level 2 Squad was comprised again of serious CrossFitters and gym lifters, and the program was aimed at improving their performance and decreasing injury risk. Some notable achievements from this squad include: • Kellie’s Front Squat 3 rep max increasing from 60kg to 70kg • David Front Squatting 110kg • Mario Back Squatting 110kg for 5 reps • Michael performing 28 deficit handstand push ups in 6 minutes
To be able to enter the Movement Masters squad, referral must come from one of our Exercise Physiologists to ensure you are suitable for the class. Currently there is a Level 2 squad running at St Marys with a much more varied background of the members, and the course is currently being revamped to include even more dynamic movement patterns including jumping and hopping. To experience results like our members have, speak to one of the St Marys Team to see which pathway to reclaiming your authentic movement is best for you. Nick Mudaliar, Exercise Physiologist, St Marys