Buzz Day | November 2014

Precision Athletica logoBuzz Day was super exciting! The Concord and St Marys teams all headed out to the new Precision Athletica premises at Olympic Park. It was the first time many of us were seeing the new venue, and we didn’t know what to expect. What we were confronted with was a brand new venue which had been decked out with cutting edge equipment ready to put us all through our paces. The day was run by the newest additions to Team Precision – the Precision Athletica staff – each of them bringing amazing backgrounds, experience and qualifications to the mix. They are each highly knowledgeable and highly sought-after experts in their chosen fields. This was going to be a thrilling day of activity! The day started with yummy fruit and getting acquainted with each of the new additions to the team since the previous Buzz Day. From there, we had a tour of Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre and finally went through to the new facility: Precision Athletica. We were welcomed by Pete Magner (Founder & CEO) – he spoke about the future of both Precision Physio and Precision Athletica. He also welcomed each of the new staff members: Lisa Livingstone, Rhianne Kerr, Matt Green, Harry Stacey, Peter Caine, David John and Chris Bartels. Pete’s introduction was then followed by talks from Peter Caine, Kate Faber, Matt Green, Chris Bartels and Harry Stacey. From there, we all went through a series of performance tests, much like an up-and-coming elite athlete would! In true Precision style, the competitive nature of everyone shone through – games faces were on and everyone certainly gave it their all! When the formalities were over, we all headed down to the local pub for a meal and a beverage, and some good ol’ team bonding. It was exciting to see where our company is headed and where each of us fits into the picture. As a company, we will be working as a cohesive team to help people heal, improve and then better themselves with the choice of going on to an elite athletic level. We now have the facilities and staff to accomplish it all. Over the course of the day it was evident that each of the people employed at Precision are all awesome in their own right. It doesn’t matter whether you work as a Physio, Admin, EP, or coach; each person brought their own sense of fun, expertise, fitness (or lack of!), and friendship, leaving you with a feeling of warmth and belonging, something which is rare in any place of employment. Buzz-Nov-2014

Wow, what a day of fun, information and competition we had! It brought us all together as a company rather than being individual lisas: this really made us all feel part of one awesome team.

Liz Taylor, Accounts Manager

Precision Physio Marketing

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