Case Studies

Tendon Recovery

A soccer player with a history of ankle sprains, Gianluca felt tightness in the achilles immediately after a soccer match and was diagnosed with Reactive Achilles tendinopathy, poor single leg stability and rearfoot pronation.
Initially, two weeks of physiotherapy treatment focused on improving foot and ankle biometrics and proprioception. Exercise Physiology was integrated after the first two weeks, which focussed on overall stability and strength in structures at the foot and above such as hip and core. Exercises progressed into single leg control and strength to help carry over to soccer performance and o prepare Gianluca to tolerate higher amounts of forces.
After treatment, Gianluca achieved optimal hip range of motion and had no further issues with Achilles tendinopathy, continuing the season with minimal issues and training without any flare ups.

Neck Recovery

56 years
Shirley came in with tingling in her fingers, dizziness and pain when bending her neck forward. She had previously had ear surgery and a CT scan showed disc bulges in the cervical spine.
Shirley was treated twice a week for 4 weeks. Her treatment initially focused on relieving pressure on the nerves and discs in the cervical spine, then started to focus on cervical range of motion and thoracic range of motion. We also looked at strengthening muscles of the upper back and deep neck stabilising muscles.
Shirley’s treatment program relieved dizziness which had been ongoing for 4 years. She now experiences no tingling or pins and needles, plus full range of motion in the neck and upper back.

Disc Recovery

48 years
A mother of three and office worker, Jo sits at a desk for eight hours a day, three days a week. When she first came to Precision Physio she wasn’t doing much exercise and had a long history of lower back issues. In 2016, Jo was suffering from acute lower back pain. She was struggling to walk, with pain running down both legs. Her diagnosis was a lower back disc bulge with bilateral L5 nerve root compression.
Jo joined as a member and began coming three times per week. Initial treatment centred around relieving her symptoms through soft tissue release, traction and glute and core activation. Once her symptoms had settled down, we started to work on lower back and hip restrictions, as well as addressing her movement patterns and further strengthening her core and glute muscles. Jo then progressed into our Exercise Physiology Program and pilates classes.

Jo is now back to horse riding, which she hadn’t been able to do in years because of her back problems. She also does personal training twice a week.
“The thing I like best about Precision Physio is their holistic approach. Initially they got me back on my feet - literally. Then the time spent with their Exercise Physiologists meant that it was a tailored approach, allowing me to move onto the next level which was pilates and spine care classes, without having to be referred to various health care professionals. Precision Physio has it all.” - Jo, PP client.

Back Recovery

51 years
A father of three and avid golfer, Dave first came to Precision Physio back in 2009, presenting with chronic low back pain after having gone through prior back surgery. David reported that his back pain had started after sitting on an uncomfortable chair for a number of hours one afternoon. This pain had developed into a constant ache that was aggravated by sitting down, even for short periods of time. After a detailed physiotherapy assessment it was found that his back pain was caused by a right sided L5 nerve root compression and a lumbar spine extension dysfunction. During the assessment it was also found David had a number of factors that contributed to his back pain, including restricted movement of the joints of his lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, restricted hip joint movement, tight hip muscles, poor lumbopelvic movement patterning and poor core stability. David was eager to make a change and expressed a keen interest to lose weight, improve his mobility and improve his overall health.
In order to effectively address the factors that were causing him pain and limiting his ability to be active, the physiotherapy team worked with David three times a week using a combination of manual techniques, including traction techniques, soft tissue releases and spinal mobilisations, as well as exercises to improve David’s joint range of motion and muscle flexibility.
Over a 4 month period, David’s pain and movements dramatically improved. He started working with the Exercise Physiology team to continue improving and developing his mobility, strength and stability of his knees and hips, and working on his weight loss goals with a tailored home exercise program. David still regularly comes to the Movement Masters exercise class every week. He continues to develop his strength and mobility to improve his golf game. Whenever he has a flare up of his back pain he makes sure to come back to see the Precision Physio team as he understands the importance of maintaining his mobility and moving with better quality to get him back to his best.

Shoulder Recovery

George Elias
46 years
An ex roofer and manager of a construction company, George had chronic shoulder pain for past 20 years due to strenuous work. Despite this, he has an active lifestyle of going to the gym, boxing and cycling.
George joined Precision Physio as a member in 2018 after experiencing pain during exercise and fatigue when boxing. Starting with three physiotherapy sessions per week, George progressed to overhead exercises to increase his mobility and strength.
Despite assuming he would always have pain, George now has no shoulder pain when boxing or exercising.

Weight Loss Success: Long Term Member

64 years
Vicky works at a desk as a service supervisor and has been attending Precision Physio since 21/11/2017, with the goal of losing weight and improving her metabolic health.
Vicky attends three classes a week for regular treatment with an Exercise Physiologist, and completes a 5km fast paced walk three times per week after work. The classes Vicky completes are Cross Core and Movement Fundamentals. Cross Core is an upper body mobility and stability class, focusing on movement patterns and control, suitable for our desk workers, upper limb tendinopathies, throwing sports and more. Movement Fundamentals is a circuit based strength and conditioning class, targeting movement patterns, weight loss and increasing muscle mass, suitable for everyone.
Vicky reached her weight loss goal, and is still at it!! Vicky has lost 30kg to date 29/11/2018 and has reversed metabolic conditions such as her fatty liver, diabetes – dropping medication and has lowered her resting heart rate from 74 to 66 bpm! Overall Vicky has improved her health greatly and is doing so much more now. She is walking faster and further, and even getting up and down from the floor, which she avoided completely before coming to see the team at Precision Physio.

ACL Surgery Recovery

Ben Johnson
22 years
Ben required a hamstring graft after an awkward landing during social baseball
Ben attended physiotherapy and exercise physiology treatment sessions diligently three times a week before and after his surgery. Physiotherapy sessions worked on regaining mobility and flexibility in his lower limb, while exercise physiology sessions allowed him to restore and progress his strength, power and speed, allowing him to return to playing baseball confidently.
Ben returned to playing baseball this year in September and has no issues since.