Yes, you read the title right. Kettlebells have been around for centuries, originally being used in Russia before making their way around the world. They aren’t only used for having an awesome workout, but may also be a solution for your back pain with proper prescription. Recently Precision Physio St Marys Exercise Physiologists Nick and Tyrell were joined by Precision Physio Concord’s EP Chris, for a weekends intensive  training in Melbourne, the subject being a specialised course in Kettlebells for lower back pain. The course was headlined with Andrew Lock who is a world-leading back pain specialised and Andrew Read (pictured above) who is a world-class kettlebell instructor and the first Australian to be certified by two different kettlebell organisations (RKC and SFG). The course dove into the anatomy of the lumber spine and provided best practices for both progressions and regressions using kettlebells for core engagement and changing from a rehabilitation perspective and transforming them into performance exercises. Our EPs were taught fundamental evidence-based exercises used to increase and challenge your core stability. The use of kettlebells, helps to develop movement patterns, improve muscle quality, increase your strength and improve your lower back health.  This allows YOU to be able to get the best of both worlds right here at Precision Physio. If you’re keen to know more and find out if this could be an effective option for you, please give us a call and ask to speak to Tyrell or one of our other EP’s: 02 9623 2220
Kettlebells for Back Pain
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