Online Bookings

Online Bookings HomepageWe’re excited to announce that you can now book appointments online! The booking process is really easy to get the hang of and only requires a few steps, however to help you on your way, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind. First things first, the online booking system allows you to book appointments but as yet doesn’t let you move or cancel appointments, for this you’ll still need to speak to us – which is great because who doesn’t like speaking to our team?! To make life easier, we’ve added loads of links to the booking portal on our main Precision Physio website – you pick whichever you find easiest:

  • Right hand side of the main menu
  • Every staff members bio page
  • Menu at the foot of the website

Once you’ve clicked on a link, you’ll be taken to our online booking portal. Scroll down the page and you’ll be able to choose between our different clinics and then view a listing of all staff at that location along with their brief bios. TIP: We have two listings at St Marys – the first is our Physio team and the second or Exercise Physiology team. Click on the staff members name that you’re looking to book with and go through to their personal booking page. Online BookingsNOTE: On each of our teams booking pages you’ll see a calendar that has available days and times for you to scroll through. The default here is to show longer INITIAL CONSULTATION time slot appointments – for your ongoing sessions you’ll want to change the search to FOLLOW UP appointments and by making this change you’ll get more appointment options as standard appointment are a little shorter than initials. Online Bookings RegistrationSelect the time that you wish to book and you’ll be directed to a registration/login panel – you need to have an account to login and you can choose to login via:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Gensolve booking system account

Facebook and Google will just require your existing details for your accounts with them, however Gensolve will take you to its own quick account setup page. NOTE: If creating a profile in Gensolve, you’ll need to enter some basic information such as name, date of birth and contact details. You will also have to create a user name (we’d suggest your name) and confirm that you’re not a robot! Whichever way you picked to login, you’ll then be directed to a confirmation page that shows who you’re booking with and when the appointment will be. If you’d like to add notes for your trainer then feel free, otherwise hit CONFIRM BOOKING and get ready to train! TIP: To navigate back to the bookings homepage to make more appointments, click HOME in the top left of the screen, or to get back to the main Precision Physio website, click CLINIC HOMEPAGE in the top right of the screen. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any of our staff in person or call us at St Marys on 02 9623 2220 or at Concord on 02 9736 3950

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