6 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

It’s that time of year where many people are looking to make a fresh start and kick off 2021 with some healthy new year’s resolutions, but rather than set yourself up to fail, we’ve compiled a list of 6 New Year’s Resolutions you can actually keep.

The trick with being able to stick to your resolutions is to make them fit with your lifestyle, improve your health but not require wholesale changes that just can’t be sustained.

So to end the pattern of failed resolutions, read through our list and get ready to succeed in 2021!

New Year's Resolutions

6 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

1. Sit less, move more

We’ve written a few times this year about the negative effects of spending too much time sitting and how it’s a worrying trend in modern life. 

Likely many of the people who sit for long periods of time, feel forced to due to an office job or the nature of their work, keep in mind though that sitting too can be a big problem in the long run and may be linked to an increased risk of overall mortality.

So, if you want to get healthier in 2021 start by getting up more. Make sure to leave your desk regularly even if just to do a lap of the room, and get in a 15 minute walk at lunch time.

2. Pick an activity that you enjoy

Often people associate the need to get healthy with the need to join a gym – it’s no surprise that gyms experience their biggest influx of memberships in January and February each year.

The problem with joining a gym is if you just really don’t enjoy that environment and style of training.

Now we have nothing against gyms but to stick to a resolution, you need to enjoy it, so make sure to pick an activity that you will embrace and look forward to completing, not one that you dread and hope to avoid.

3. Cook more at home

We all love eating out or grabbing takeaway, and in moderation there is no problem with that (in moderation).

However, studies have shown that people who eat 5 or more home cooked meals per week are 28% less likely to be overweight than those who eat 3 or less home cooked meals per week.

At home you are in control of what goes into your food and you can make sure not to overdo certain ingredients, whilst including some good nourishing whole foods. 

If you’re not a great cook, start small and build up, Rome wasn’t built in a day and sticking to resolutions and building good habits is a long-game.

4. Spend more time outside

Sounds obvious but just in the nature of being outside more, increases the likelihood that you’re getting in exercise even without really thinking about it.

Walking to work, spending time in a park, heading to the beach, it really doesn’t matter, it all adds up and comes with the benefit of fresh air and sun. 

As sustainable new year’s resolutions go, this is one that could easily be on everyone lists.

Avoide a sedentary lifestyle

5. Shop for groceries more often 

Who doesn’t call for a food delivery when the shelves are empty or you can’t find enough items to form a proper meal.

We don’t want to see food go to waste but simply by shopping more frequently and having a well stocked pantry, filled with essentials and key ingredients means that when dinner time comes around or hunger strikes, you’re more likely to choose a healthy option over fast food or highly processed food. 

6. Reduce screen time

Many people depend on their phones and computers for work and entertainment. However, too much time on electronic devices and especially likely apps such as social media ones, has been frequently linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

If possible try to give yourself a time limit for your screen time and avoid too much screen time before bed.

Cutting back on TV, games and social media will likely improve your mood and give you back more time for healthier activities such as being outside, exercising or actually seeing friends and family in person.

Tip of the iceberg 

These six new year’s resolutions are really just the tip of the iceberg and we’re sure that with a little effort you could come up with many more.

What we love about this list is the ease at which we think you could stick to them and in doing so see a really positive change in your lifestyle, mood and activity levels.

Give a few of our examples a go and we’re sure that you will see and feel the benefits in 2021.

Getting Started

There are many great resolutions that you can make to help with your goals, however please make sure to show some caution when you get started.

With any exercise it’s important that you have a plan that suits your health, body, past injuries, lifestyle and goals, so for this we highly recommend you speaking first to an Exercise Physiologist.

Also, you may find it useful to have an initial assessment by a Physiotherapist. Think of this like a service on your car, basically a check up to make sure you are moving well and not putting any undue risk on your body.

Further with any weight loss goals, you need to consider your nutrition. If you’re eating the wrong foods at the wrong times and not tailoring your diet to your goals, chances are you will fail in your weight loss goals.

We have in house Dietitians that can help provide you with an individual plan suited to you, and keep you accountable over the coming weeks and months. You can find out more here.

How Do I Book An Appointment with Precision Physio for Help?

We’re taking the health of our clients, members and staff very seriously and our preference would be for you to call to book an appointment so that we can make sure to explain our approach to keeping you safe. You can call any of these numbers to schedule a session:

Online Consultations

Evolving with the current environment, we are also now offering online appointments, meaning that we can support anyone who is unable to leave their home. Sessions are done via our state of the art Telehealth system and as long as you have a laptop or tablet with an inbuilt camera, or a phone with camera, we can help! Online consultations would be especially effective for discussing and planning your new year’s resolutions.

To learn more about online consultations, please call us on any of the numbers listed above.

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