Womens Health Walk

This September we will be walking for Women’s Health and we would love for you to join us!

Women’s Health Week is being run from September 7th-11th, however at Precision Physio we’ve picked September 12th as the day that we will walk with a cause, and what better cause than Women’s Health.

Join Jen, Jules, Atlanta and Kelly for a 7km stroll around the stunning Bay Walk (often referred to as the Bar Run) and in the process allow yourself a temporary break from the stress and strain of this recent COVID-19 era.

Womens Health Walk

It’s so important that we make time to look after ourselves and pay attention to our health and wellbeing, and walking is a great way to do this – walking with friends and loved ones, even better.

So, please join us on Saturday 12th of September at 1pm for a walk around The Bay. Feel free to bring your family and/or friends (of course, we will be socially distancing!), and then stay around afterwards as we will be providing some yummy food to complement a little all important women’s health conversation.

How to Register

Please help us plan for numbers and email Kelly to let her know that you’re keen to come walk with us. Kelly will confirm your spot and send you any other details that might be helpful.


You’re certainly not obliged to, however if you would like to donate to the Women’s Health Week cause, you can do so using this link.

Not Sure If You’re Ready

If you’re not certain that you can complete the walk, possibly it’s a little further than you’d normally go or you’re worried about a persistent ache or pain, please give us a call on 02 9736 3950 or email kelly.j@precisionphysio.com.au and quote “Women’s Health Walk” and we will set you up with a free assessment to make sure you are all set to be able to successfully (and enjoyably) complete the walk with us.

Also, don’t forget that you will have two great Physio’s, an Exercise Physiologist and a Dietitian on hand during the walk to support you!

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