Precision Physio Clinic of the Year 2022 – Concord

Precision Physio Concord is delighted to have been named Precision Physio Clinic of the Year at the recent Poscars award ceremony.

The award is hugely deserved and testament to the great work of Clinic Manager – Sam Crossland, and all of the Precision Physio Concord team.

Clinic of the Year wasn’t the only award scooped up by Team Concord, other success was found in:

  • Jennifer Chong – Precision Therapist of the Year
  • Laura Bravo – Precision Associate of the Year
  • Joseph Lee – Precision Rookie of the Year
  • Jennifer Chong – Precision Exercise Physiologist of the Year

Well deserved accolades for a lot of hard work!

Thank you to the amazing clients of Precision Physio Concord, for trusting our team day in – day out, committing to the process and enabling us all to get the great outcomes that we strive for.

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