The Ultimate PRE-Return to Sport Safety Check

As we roll from 2022 into 2023, many people will be setting some New Year’s Resolution exercise goals and as great as that is, the worst thing to do would be to waste that new year’s enthusiasm by ending up on the Physio bed within the first few weeks.

So, if you’re returning to sport/exercise or simply planning to ramp up that which you’ve already been doing, what is the most effective way of setting yourself up for success?

We’re glad you asked….

Return to Sport Screen

Return to Sport Screen

At Precision Physio we have an absolute gem of a screen that is perfect for anyone looking to live by the phrase “New Year, New You”.

The screen is suited to both experienced sportspeople and exercise novices who are just looking to dust off their running shoes and get back to some light but highly beneficial exercise.

It comprises of a combination of assessments that look at such areas as your:

  • General Mobility
  • Key Movement Patterns
  • Vital Strength Measures
  • Current Health Profile

From looking at these areas our team is able to quickly and effectively spot any red flags (and provide safe guidance on how to navigate those risks), establish your fitness profile and identify your baseline measures.

Why Should I Consider The Return to Sport Screen 

Undergoing this in clinic assessment will enable our team to better set you up to smash your goals and drastically decrease the risk of us seeing you with an exercise induced injury in the near future…

We will be able to:

  • Recommend a safe and effective way to progress your exercise routine
  • Tailor an individual mobility plan to maximise your sessions
  • Help you to navigate any problem areas

Who Should Consider this Screen

The Return to Sport screen is available throughout the year but carries particular merit to those people setting exercise based New Year’s Resolutions.

The screen is suited to all ages and fitness levels given its individualised nature and tailored approach.

For anyone wishing to go through this screen, simply contact your Precision Physio clinic of choice to make a booking and allow a minimum of 40 minute to go through the screen with one of our team.

At the end of the session you will be provided with the results and tailored advice to set you off on the front foot!

Special Offer

Call and quote “New Year, New Me Offer” to recieve a 50% discount on the assessment, meaning you will pay only $49 instead of the usual $99.

To contact a Precision Physio clinic directly and schedule a session, please call:

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