Recovery at Work and the Benefits of a Job Task Analysis

One of the things we request early on from Insurers and businesses is a job task analysis report, when treating clients under workers compensation.

We know not all Employers will have these but there are benefits to businesses, workers and also for treatment practitioners when managing a worker’s rehabilitation.

Job Task Analysis

What Is a Job Task Analysis

A Job Task Analysis (JTA) is a break down of tasks in a role with objective measures outlining the physical and cognitive requirements of those tasks, in order for the tasks to be completed safely and effectively. 

A JTA is usually completed by an Allied Health professional reporting the:

  • Description of tasks & rostering
  • Physical & cognitive demands
  • Frequency & Duration
  • Tools, PPE and resources required
  • Skill, Education and Training
  • Environment & Hazards, and
  • Suitable duties considerations

What are the Benefits for Businesses

  • Role clarification – the inherent requirements for a role to be performed effectively and efficiently
  • Improved recruitment & selection process – with more specific selection criteria, and coupled with a Pre-Employment Functional Evaluation, a JTA can be a tool used when matching potential candidates to the right role
  • Improve learning, development and performance – identifying gaps in training, and allows businesses to measure performance against specific job requirements
  • Work, Health & Safety focus – helps identify safety risks associated with certain tasks, to then develop safety protocols and procedures aiming to reduce risk of injury

How Does This Help When Managing a Workers Recovery at Work

  • Identification of suitable duties – JTA’s assist with identifying suitable duties within a workers medical restrictions using more accurate and objective measures. This may include identifying tasks within their pre-injury role, or in alternate roles, or can even assist with identifying alternate vocational roles  
  • Positive culture – Fostering a culture where recovery at work is promoted and supported also creates a more positive RTW experience
  • Faster recovery and RTW – JTA’s allow businesses to factor in the physical demands of a workers role with their functional capacity, reducing the risk of aggravations or flare ups. This can reduce absence from work and lengthy workers compensation claims
  • Improves communication and collaboration amongst the support team – a clear understanding of the job demands and the suitable duties identified will facilitate coming to an agreement on a workers rehabilitation & RTW plan with consensus from treating practitioners

Overall, JTA’s are useful tools for organisational effectiveness, but are just as important when it comes to injury management.

At Precision Physio, Job Task Analysis’s help our Clinicians to:

  • Understand the physical demands, and set appropriate rehabilitation goals with our clients
  • Tailor treatment regimes to overcome struggles that may be impacting a workers ability to perform tasks within their role
  • Support workers, businesses, and their support teams in identifying risks, and in developing staged RTW Plans in line with their clinical findings

If we can assist you, your workers or your business, get in touch!

How Do I Book An Appointment?

We’re taking the health of our clients, members and staff very seriously and our preference would be for you to call to book an appointment so that we can make sure to explain our approach to keeping you safe. You can call any of these numbers to schedule a session:

Online Consultations

Evolving with the current environment, we are also now offering online appointments, meaning that we can support anyone who is unable to leave their home. Sessions are done via our state of the art Telehealth system and as long as you have a laptop or tablet with an inbuilt camera, or a phone with camera, we can help!

To learn more about online consultations, please call us on any of the numbers listed above.

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