Precision Physio is now offering Pilates Mat Classes

What is Pilates? Pilates is a safe, fun and relaxing way of strengthening your back and core, increasing your flexibility and preventing recurrent pain and injuries. Other benefits of Pilates include muscle toning, improved posture, flexibility, balance, coordination, management of chronic pain and improved sporting performance. Pilates also promotes general health and well being and helps to decrease stress and tension. Precision Pilates involves a series of mat based exercises lead by your Exercise Physiologist Pilates instructor.

At Precision Pilates we offer:

  • Smaller class numbers – so you get individual attention and your technique is monitored
  • Individual assessments – so we know your history and body type and can tailor the exercises to your needs
  • Dual qualified physiotherapist and pilates instructors – specialising in pilates for rehabilitation
  • Integrated approach – incorporating the latest scientific research on low back pain, core muscles, injury management and prevention with the time tried and tested methods of Joseph Pilates
  • Safety – graded programme that builds your core foundation (and your confidence) first before progressing to more challenging exercises – you won’t be thrown in the deep end
  • Health fund rebates – unlike standard Pilates classes, Physiotherapist run Pilates class are usually eligible for a rebate

At Precision Pilates the focus is on your body and your technique. Who is pilates suitable for? You don’t have to be flexible to gain the benefits of Pilates – from athletes to office workers, the young and the old, Pilates caters for those from all walks of life and can be adapted to suit all levels of ability. If you have a recent or current injury or pain, speak to your Physio about whether Pilates is suitable for you. In most cases Pilates can be safely started even before your pain has resolved. Pilates is also suitable for those with no pain or injuries looking to balance their lifestyle with regular strengthening and stretching. If you are unsure email our Pilates Instructor at

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Getting to the core of Low Back Pain. How Pilates can help.

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