How to Lose Weight During Menopause

Menopause refers to the end of mensuration and occurs when a woman has not had a period for 12 months – it is a point in life that all women will go through and for various reasons often leaves women with amongst other things, the question of “how to lose weight during menopause”.

At Precision Physio, we work with many wonderful ladies who are at this stage in their life, so to help provide some background to answering the question, we have put this article and accompanying video together.

What we know about Menopause

It usually occurs between the age of 50 and 55, though it’s possible to start earlier if brought on from such events as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

During and after menopause, the risk of chronic health conditions increases, specifically:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Disease

The Burning Question(s)

“Why can I not lose weight during menopause”


“How can I lose weight during menopause”

Weight gain during menopause is common and seen as a significant change. Mainly it happens around the waist, and with it, brings new risk factors for developing further health conditions.

Something that should not be overlooked during menopause, is Movement aka Exercise. Exercise is still very important during this time in a woman’s life, and at Precision Physio it’s something that we try our upmost to support ladies with.

How Exercise Helps

  • Improve mood & sleep
  • Improve your weight control
  • Increases your strength and bone density, reducing your risk of falls
  • Reduces your risks of chronic disease
  • Reduces your stress and boosts your mental health

Overall…it improves your quality of life!

The next Burning Question – “What exercise should I do”

  • Aerobic – increase your heart rate and use big muscles! Go for a walk, bike riding, dancing or swim!
  • Strength – increase your muscle strength/endurance. Try body weight exercises, Pilates and definitely think about trying weight training!
  • Stretching/Flexibility – keep your joints mobile and muscles long. Give Yoga a go!
  • Balance – stand on one leg, catch a ball, close your eyes, challenge your stability!
  • Aim to move your body 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes!

Top Tips

During menopause, because our risk of OP increases (aka brittle/weak bones), we need to include strength-based training to load our muscles and bones.

  1. Consider what exercise/movement you enjoy and your own personal symptoms that you experience (everyone is different)
  2. While you exercise bring a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated
  3. If you experience hot flushes, choose an environment suited to you. This can include outdoors/fresh air or lighter intensity sessions such as Yoga, Tai Chi, or perhaps outdoor swimming
  4. Consider the environment (outdoors/fresh air/group classes/supervision) and intensity of the exercise. It is important you feel safe, confident in your movement and if you are not sure, you need to feel able to speak up

At Precision Physio

Our clinics in Concord and St Marys, run classes suitable for ladies going through menopause, and we have placed a focus on making them a supportive and enjoyable environment. We know that a positive group dynamic can have a big impact on people’s effort and results, so we have fostered that for our members. If you would like to try a class or book into them on an ongoing basis, we would love to have you!

Book an appointment

A great way to start your journey to weight loss, is by getting some tailored individual advice, and we would suggest that you do this by coming in for an assessment and consultation with our team of Exercise Physiologists. You can arrange this by contacting us on 02 8607 4000 or request a call by completing this form.

This blog was written by Mikaela Sultana, Head Exercise Physiologist at Precision Physio – St Marys. If you would like more information, or to work specifically with Mikaela, you can contact her through the Precision Physio St Marys clinic: 02 9623 2220 or book in online.

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