Disc Recovery

Name: Jo

Age: 48

Condition: A mother of three and office worker, Jo sits at a desk for eight hours a day, three days a week. When she first came to Precision Physio she wasn’t doing much exercise and had a long history of lower back issues.

In 2016, Jo was suffering from acute lower back pain. She was struggling to walk, with pain running down both legs. Her diagnosis was a lower back disc bulge with bilateral L5 nerve root compression.

Treatment: Jo joined as a member and began coming three times per week. Initial treatment centred around relieving her symptoms through soft tissue release, traction and glute and core activation.

Once her symptoms had settled down, we started to work on lower back and hip restrictions, as well as addressing her movement patterns and further strengthening her core and glute muscles. Jo then progressed into our Exercise Physiology Program and pilates classes.

Outcome:  Jo is now back to horse riding, which she hadn’t been able to do in years because of her back problems. She also does personal training twice a week.

The thing I like best about Precision Physio is their holistic approach.  Initially they got me back on my feet – literally.  Then the time spent with their Exercise Physiologists meant that it was a tailored approach, allowing me to move onto the next level which was pilates and spine care classes, without having to be referred to various health care professionals.  Precision Physio has it all.– Jo, PP client.